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National Association of Broadcasters

Oregon's Broadcasters

Serving Every Local Community

KWJJ Erases $4.6 Million of Medical Debt

Date Posted: 12/5/2024

KWJJ Portland’s “Nick and Kristen’s Medical Debt Payoff” raised $4.6 million in funds to clear medical debt for 3,345 individuals in the Pacific Northwest. Nick and Kristen said, “We are once again humbled and inspired by the generosity of the 99.5 The Wolf listeners and local business owners. After four years, we’ve paid over $16 million in medical debt for the Pacific Northwest.”

Oregon Station Raises $25,000 for Veterans

Date Posted: 7/14/2022

Liz and Mike, morning show co-hosts at, Audacy-owned 105.1 The Buzz in Portland, Ore., raised more than $25,000 for their second annual “Service Pet for a Vet” initiative to collect funds to adopt and train a service dog for a local veteran battling PTSD. “Seeing the community come together for such a great cause made us ugly cry,” Liz and Mike said. “With times so tough it was moving to see so many people give what they could.”

Oregon Public Broadcasting Asks Experts How to Better Prepare for Heat Waves

Date Posted: 7/17/2021

After a heat wave in Oregon shattered temperature records and likely caused at least 116 deaths, Oregon Public Broadcasting interviewed six experts on first response, disaster planning and communications on July 10 to discuss their views on how the state can better prepare and protect Oregonians from extreme weather. The recommended changes included creating a catalogue of addresses for those homebound and most vulnerable so first responders could proactively do welfare checks during heat emergencies; encouraging physicians to talk more with their patients and the public about climate change and how this affects their health; and evaluating the emergency communication strategy among elected officials, the media and medical community to ensure critical information reaches those who need it most.

KDRV Interviews U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkeley, Reps. Bentz, deFazio on Capitol Attack

Date Posted: 1/12/2021

Allen Media Broadcasting’s KDRV-TV Medford, Or. conducted interviews with U.S. Senator Jeff Merkeley and U.S. Representatives Cliff Bentz and Peter deFazio following the attack at the U.S. Capitol. During the interviews, the government officials provided a first-hand account of the day and were able to offer context to combat misinformation being spread about the day.

KOBI and KOTI Provide Life-Saving Fire Coverage

Date Posted: 10/7/2020

California Oregon Broadcasting’s KOBI and KOTI Medford, Ore., provided life-saving coverage of the Almeda wildfires that destroyed over 2,600 residences and more than 180 businesses in September. They supplemented regular newscasts by continuously crawling the most current evacuation level information for residents in the areas being affected. During the fast-moving, devastating fire, they streamed a live view from their Sky Cam, accompanied by scanner audio from the local emergency services personnel. Local residents used this information source as they prepared to evacuate.

They also created an on-line resource guide that coordinated information for evacuees on where to stay, eat, and get needed supplies, and simultaneously to point generous community members to places to donate food, clothing, and necessities, as well as funds set up to help with urgent needs as well as short and long-term rebuilding. As of September 30th, this page had been accessed over 11,000 times by users.

“KOBI has been essential during all of these fires,” said viewer Randy McKay. “In Ashland, we were trapped on one side of the fire while my mom was on the other needing to be evacuated from harm’s way at her home in Talent and we could not reach her. It was panic-inducing. And when first the internet and then cellular communications failed, KOBI was the more reliable and constant source of information.”

“I survived by watching Facebook KOBI-TV because they kept a live feed of the video from the manor and live broadcast of the dispatch where I could hear all the evacuation notices and knew the direction the fire was headed,” said viewer Angalee O’Connor.

KVAL ‘Can Do’ Food Drive Sets Record

Date Posted: 4/15/2020

Sinclair’s CBS affiliate KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore., raised a record $73,000 in its “KVAL Can Do Food Drive” on April 15. Logistics were challenging this year due to social distancing, but KVAL understood that the need was greater than ever due to the COVID-19 crisis. The fundraiser helps feed local families through the non-profit Food For Lane County.

“We are overwhelmed with the generosity of this community, and so thankful to KVAL for finding a new way to provide food for people during this crisis. The $73,178 raised during the CanDo telethon is absolutely amazing and will provide nearly a quarter of a million meals at a time when more people are seeking help, many for the first time,” said Dawn Marie Woodward of Food For Lane County. “KVAL’s partnership and support of FOOD For Lane County goes well beyond the Can Do food drive and we look forward to working together again to provide food to people when they need it most.”

Nexstar Commits to Local News

Date Posted: 1/29/2020

Nexstar Media Group’s CBS affiliate KOIN-TV Portland, Ore., will begin airing a new local morning show on February 3. The show "KOIN News AM Extra" will cover local and breaking news, sports, weather, traffic and life in the Portland area.

“Offering a local news alternative to viewers in the morning, at a time period predominantly filled with network news, enables us to connect with local viewers in a new and unique way and deepens our engagement with the local community,” said General Manager Patrick Nevin.

In addition, Nexstar’s CW affiliate KRCW-TV’s Portland, Ore., expanded its evening news program in October from 30 minutes to an hour.

“Nexstar’s television stations are deeply committed to serving their local communities with informative, engaging, and exclusive local content,” said Nexstar President Tim Busch.

Pamplin’s KPAM-AM Supports Vets

Date Posted: 12/29/2019

Pamplin Broadcasting’s KPAM-AM Portland, Ore., raised $51,000 for “Operation Helping Our Heroes” on November 15. The Clark County Veterans Assistance Center will use the funds to help active military, veterans, and their families obtain benefits and services.

KOBI Launches ‘In This Together’

Date Posted: 12/20/2019

California Oregon Broadcasting’s NBC affiliate KOBI-TV Medford, Ore., launched “In This Together,” a two-year long on-air and social media campaign to raise awareness of the suicide epidemic. Every year, over 800 Oregonians die by suicide. Since the campaign’s inauguration, KOBI has produced news stories, aired hundreds of PSAs pointing to local suicide prevention websites and has regularly posted information on social media. Vice President and General Manager Bob Wise has also made many public appearances to discuss the signs of suicide and offer advice on how to help.

KOBI-TV Raises Awareness of Homeless Crisis

Date Posted: 2/5/2019

California Oregon Broadcasting’s NBC affiliate KOBI-TV in Medford, Ore., partnered with AllCare Health on a 30-week long project, “HOPE (Helping Others Persevere Everyday)” to raise awareness of Southern Oregon’s homeless crisis. Through weekly stories and on-air discussions, they examine the causes of homelessness, explore potential solutions and share compelling stories of individuals that are affected.

KUPL-FM Fundraises for St. Jude’s

Date Posted: 12/19/2018

Alpha Media’s KUPL-FM Portland, Ore., raised $250,000 during a radiothon for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital on December 7-8. Since 2009, KUPL has raised over $1.2 million for St. Jude.

“To say I’m proud of this team is an understatement,” said Content Director MoJoe Roberts.

Alpha Media Portland Launches ‘Kind Is Better’

Date Posted: 12/5/2018

Alpha Media’s KATU-FM and KBFF-FM Portland, Ore., launched its “Kind is Better” campaign November 1 to address youth mental health. They asked youth to discuss issues they face and suggest solutions,. “By taking a stand with messages of kindness, we endeavor to make an impact on the health and well-being of the communities we serve,” said VP of Sales Amy Leimbach.

KOBI Promotes Sportsmanship

Date Posted: 9/4/2018

California Oregon Broadcasting’s NBC affiliates KOBI-TV Medford, Ore., and KOTI-TV Klamath Falls, Ore., sponsored “Know Your Role.” This initiative encourages good sportsmanship among athletes, parents, coaches and referees, which sets a good example for kids participating in athletics.

KVAL Tail-A-Thon Raises $60,000 for Humane Society

Date Posted: 8/26/2018

Sinclair’s CBS affiliate KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore., raised more than $60,000 in the second annual “Pet Project Tail-A-Thon” on June 22 to help the Greenhill Humane Society build new shelter facilities. KVAL also collected pet food and supplies and promoted the adoption of numerous dogs, cats and a guinea pig.

KUPL-FM Raises $207,000 for St. Jude

Date Posted: 12/8/2017

Alpha Media’s KUPL-FM Portland, Ore., raised $207,410 with their fourth annual St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital radiothon on December 7 - 8. Numerous families and kids shared their stories during the live broadcast. “It takes teamwork to bring this event to life and through our collective efforts, we are that much closer to stomping out cancer,” said Content Director MoJoe Roberts.

KVAL Helps Raise Funds for New Humane Society

Date Posted: 5/3/2017

Sinclair Broadcast Group’s CBS affiliate KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore. helped the local Greenhill Humane Society launch a campaign to fund the construction of a new facility. The day-long “KVAL Pet Project Tail-a-Thon” raised $65,000.

KINK Raises Over $130,000 for World Concern

Date Posted: 5/3/2017

Alpha Media’s KINK-FM Portland raised $134,000 during the “One Village Transformed” radiothon on May 3. The humanitarian organization World Concern used the funds to send much needed supplies to the nearly 2,000 people living in the town of Abongo in South Sudan. The radiothon concluded with 112 donors, which exceeded the initial goal of 102. “KINK was just the loud speaker used to amplify a worthy message. Thank you KINK listeners for caring. We are all connecting. Something good was created,” said KINK Program Director Sean Demery.

KTVL Hosts Toy Drive

Date Posted: 12/28/2016

Sinclair’s CBS affiliate KTVL-TV and Opus Radio’s KCNA-FM, KRVC-FM and KROG-FM Medford, Ore. collected 3,500 holiday toys for children and teenagers in the 9th Annual Community Toy Drive, held November 21 – December 19. This included 15 bicycles and helmets and hundreds of gift cards.

KUPL-FM Raises $187,560 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Date Posted: 12/8/2016

Alpha Media’s KUPL-FM Portland held its third annual “St. Jude Children’s Hospital Radiothon” December 8-9. The station raised a total of $187,560. “This was a total team effort, and the money raised will go directly to stomping out cancer. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this one is worth about $187,560. Thank you Team Alpha!” said KUPL-FM Program Director MoJoe Roberts.

KFXX-AM Raises Over $100,000 for Special Olympics Oregon

Date Posted: 12/1/2016

Entercom’s KFXX-AM Portland held its sixth annual radiothon benefitting Special Olympics Oregon. The station raised a total of $173,000. “This was our most successful radiothon yet, and we could not have done any of it without the best audience in radio,” said station anchor Isaac Ropp.

KGW Collects Toys for Less Fortunate

Date Posted: 12/1/2016

Tegna’s NBC affiliate KGW-TV Portland launched its 30th annual “KGW Great Toy Drive.” The campaign collects new toys for less fortunate families in Oregon and southwest Washington and runs until December 17.

KVAL-TV Collects Food and Supplies for Those in Need

Date Posted: 11/29/2016

Sinclair Broadcast Group’s CBS affiliate KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore. completed its annual “KVAL Take A Bite Out of Hunger Food Drive” on November 29. Non-perishable foods and monetary donations were collected, providing much needed reserves to pantries and kitchens for the winter months. In total, the station collected enough food for 9,518 meals.

KXL Listener Helps Cops Recover Stolen Van

Date Posted: 7/21/2016

Alpha Media’s KXL-FM Portland, Ore. Aired a story on July 21 about a Los Angeles firefighter and his family, who were vacationing in the area when their camper van, filled with their clothing and belongings, had been stolen. After the family called in to KXL’s Lars Larson Show to tell their story, a listener saw the camper parked nearby and notified the police.

KOBI Inspires Students

Date Posted: 6/28/2016

California Oregon Broadcasting’s NBC affiliate KOBI Medford, Ore. staff members attended a career day at a local middle school on June 28. They spoke to students about broadcasting jobs and brought professional camera equipment for demonstrations. The kids loved being able to act like reporters.

KATU Confirms Statewide Fraud

Date Posted: 5/12/2016

Sinclair Broadcast Group’s ABC affiliate KATU-TV Portland, Ore. reporter Hillary Lake followed up on Oregon’s failed health insurance exchange Cover Oregon in 2014. The program is alleged to have wasted $304 million in taxpayer money. The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform released a scathing staff report about its year-long investigation of Cover Oregon on May 25. The 204-page report covers a lot of what KATU’s On Your Side Investigators uncovered more than two years ago.

KVAL CanDo! Food Drive Breaks Record

Date Posted: 5/4/2016

Sinclair’s CBS affiliate KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore. collected more than 33,500 meals in the eighth annual KVAL CanDo! Food Drive on April 13. “KVAL’s commitment to the CanDo! Food Drive is fabulous and really helps us bring in healthy non-perishable foods at a time when our food supplies begins to decrease over the summer,” said Beverlee Potter, FFLC Executive Director. “Thank you for your commitment to feeding people throughout Lane County.”

KOBI Provides Solace After School Shooting

Date Posted: 11/5/2015

California Oregon Broadcasting’s NBC affiliate KOBI-TV Medford, Ore. provided lifeline information after a tragic shooting at Umpqua Community College on Oct. 1 left nine dead and nine injured. KOBI’s wall-to-wall coverage provided critical updates and solace to the community. In the weeks that followed, KOBI covered vigils, services and memorials, and provided information on how to support the victims’ families. Bob Wise, KOBI vice president and general manager, shared this information:

"Some days we are covering the best day of someone’s life, the next might be someone’s worst tragedy. Unfortunately, on October 1, the worst came to life in front of us... KOBI TV staff has worked hard to provide information to its viewers in a way to honor the victims, respect their family and friends, and to address the overriding issues that led to this happening in our backyard. It reminds us all, once again, the importance of local broadcasting and how, when needed, broadcasters are at the epicenter of teamwork, communication and effort to inform viewers, through good times and difficult times."


Date Posted: 9/3/2015

KKNU Helps Crow High School Replace Stolen Equipment

McKenzie River Broadcasting’s KKNU-FM Eugene, Ore. raised $5,400 in less than two hours on August 17 to help Crow High School replace stolen football equipment. The school had about $3,500 worth of equipment stolen shortly before the season started. Radio host Bill Barrett said, “this kind of crime is tragic,” noting that $4,000 is a lot of money for a small school district like Crow.

KVAL-TV Food Drive Sets Station Record

Date Posted: 6/4/2015

Sinclair Broadcasting’s CBS affiliate KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore. raised a record 34,441 meals in the 7th annual "KVAL CanDo! Food Drive" on April 15. The two-week event culminated in a day-long telethon. "Not only does the KVAL CanDo! Food Drive consistently bring in donations during a time when reserves are low, it garners an enormous amount of attention for the very real need in our community," said Dawn Marie Woodward, media coordinator of Food for Lane County.

NAB Education Foundation Announces KEX-AM As Service to America Award Winner

Date Posted: 4/7/2015

The National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF) announced the winners for the 2015 Celebration of Service to America Awards, recognizing outstanding community service by local broadcasters. Winners will be honored at the Celebration of Service to America dinner held Tuesday, June 16 at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. “Broadcasters have an unwavering commitment to serving the public, and the Service to America Awards are an opportunity for us to celebrate those radio and TV stations that epitomize what it means to be a broadcaster,” said NABEF President Marcellus Alexander. “This year’s winners have gone above and beyond to create a positive and worthwhile impact on the communities they serve.” This year’s Service to America Awards will honor the following broadcaster:


These awards spotlight television and radio stations for outstanding programs, campaigns and public service announcements produced for the benefit of children.


KEX-AM Tigard, Ore. Owner: iHeartMedia

Since 1987, the KEX Kids Fund has provided eye glasses and hearing aids to children whose families cannot afford them in 16 counties of Oregon and Southwest Washington. The program is funded primarily by donations from KEX listeners who contribute through a four-day pledge drive that begins each year on Thanksgiving morning. The annual radio-thon raises approximately $100,000, allowing the Kids Fund to meet the needs of approximately 1,000 children each year. Teachers report that students who are served by the KEX Kids Fund, given proper hearing and vision, invariably move from the bottom to the top of their classes. Since the program’s inception, thousands of children have been helped and millions of dollars have been raised.

Category Finalists:

KIRO-FM Seattle, Wash., Bonneville International Corp. WARR-FM Warrenton, N.C. Darensburg Broadcasting WROQ/WTPT/WFBC/WSPA/WYRD-FM/WORD-AM Greenville, S.C., Entercom Communications Corporation

KUPL-FM Listeners Pledge $178,000

Date Posted: 3/13/2015

Alpha Media’s KUPL-FM Portland, Ore., held a two-day radiothon on Jan. 29-30. The event raised $178,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Click here to listen to a performance by KMCA Records Nashville recording artist Kip Moore that broadcast live during the radiothon.

KTVL Collected 7,200 Bags of Food

Date Posted: 2/9/2015

Sinclair Broadcasting’s CBS affiliate KTVL-TV Medford, Ore. collected 72,000 pounds of food (7,200 bags full) in their annual “Fill the Truck” food drive in partnership with Ray’s Food Place. This record-breaking food drive succeeded in filling a semi-truck trailer with non-perishable food items for local food banks.

KGW Continues 30-Year Toy Drive Tradition

Date Posted: 1/20/2015

Gannett Broadcasting’s NBC affiliate KGW-TV Portland, Ore. organized its 30th annual KGW Great Toy Drive. KGW enlisted more than 300 businesses in the area as drop-off points for toys. The toys are distributed to less fortunate families in Oregon and southwest Washington. Volunteers from more than 130 nonprofit organizations distribute the toys. Over 30 years, the KGW Great Toy Drive has provided hundreds of thousands of toys. This year, the drive served more children than ever before. The KGW Great Toy Drive is “truly a community event, and we’re thrilled to once again be expanding the opportunities for giving this year,” said D.J. Wilson, KGW-TV president and general manager.

KTLV Hosts Holiday Toy Drive

Date Posted: 1/20/2015

Sinclair’s CBS affiliate KTLV Medford, Ore. collected thousands of toys during their 7th annual toy drive this December. The toys were distributed by Community Works, a nonprofit that helps citizens overcome a severe life crisis or trauma. A Community Works spokesperson said that this campaign has an unimaginable impact on their clients.

Oregon Stations Air Senate, Gubernatorial Debates

Date Posted: 11/20/2014

California Oregon Broadcasting’s NBC affiliates KOBI-TV Medford, Ore. and KOTI-TV Klamath Falls, Ore. aired two debates: on Oct. 14, U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley faced challenger Monica Wehby; and on Oct. 20, incumbent Gov. John Kitzhaber faced Republican challenger Dennis Richardson. KOBI-TV also featured the debates prominently on its website. “These debates will give viewers a great opportunity to learn about the candidates, where they stand on issues and what they intend to do if elected,” said Bob Wise, KOBI-TV and KOTI-TV vice president and general manager. “We believe it is critical to help voters make an informed choice.”

KMPS-FM Hosts Benefit Concert, Raises $3,000 for Relief Efforts

Date Posted: 4/13/2014

CBS Radio’s KMPS-FM hosted an Oso Mudslide Relief Concert on April 1 to raise money for the relief efforts. The fundraiser offered several opportunities for listeners to donate to the relief effort. All funds raised will be paid directly to Casacade Valley Hospital Foundation for Oso Mudslide Victims. The benefit concert featured The Cadillac Three and local artist Jesse Taylor, and raised more than $3,000 for the Oso Strong campaign. Click here to watch video from the concert.

SR Broadcasting Hosts Radiothon for Mudslide Victims

Date Posted: 4/13/2014

SR Broadcasting’s KRKO-AM and KKXA-AM Everett, Wash., partnered with Coastal Community Bank to host the Oso Relief Simulcast, a live, commercial-free radiothon to raise money for those affected by the mudslides. During the four-hour broadcast from the Darrington Branch of Coastal Community Bank on March 31, more than $34,000 was raised, excluding the gift cards for gas and local grocery stores. More than $119,000 was collected at the branch that day. The broadcast also provided information about the long-term steps for recovery including dealing with bankruptcy and paying on-going mortgages.

KCPQ-TV Partners with Local Bank to Support Oso Relief Fund

Date Posted: 4/13/2014

Tribune Broadcasting’s FOX affiliate KCPQ-TV Seattle has partnered with Umpqua Bank to support those affected by the mudslide disaster. Viewers can stop by any Washington Umpqua Bank location and make donations to the Cascade Valley Hospital Foundation – Oso Landslide Relief Fund. One-hundred percent of all donations will go to the Oso fund.

KING-TV Joins Red Cross, US Bank to Support Mudslide Victims

Date Posted: 4/13/2014

Gannett Broadcasting’s NBC affiliate KING-TV Seattle has partnered with the American Red Cross and US Bank to collect donations for Northwest Response, a Red Cross fund that will help people affected by the Oso Mudslide. Contributions to the fund allow the Red Cross to provide food, water, medical supplies and shelter following the disaster and assist with the recovery efforts in the future.

Sinclair Raises $225,000 During Mudslide Relief Telethon

Date Posted: 4/13/2014

Sinclair Broadcasting’s ABC affiliates KOMO-TV Seattle and KATU-TV Portland, Ore., partnered with the United Way of Snohomish County to host a telethon to raise money for landslide recovery efforts on March 27. All proceeds went to the United Way’s Recovery Fund for Mudslide Relief. The one-day event raised more than $225,000. Click here to watch video from the live broadcast.

KIRO-TV Encourages Viewers to Support Local Red Cross Efforts

Date Posted: 4/13/2014

Cox Media’s CBS affiliate KIRO-TV Seattle’s community service program, KIRO 7 Cares, has teamed up with the Snohomish County Red Cross to help people impacted by the tragic mudslide in Washington. KIRO-TV is encouraging viewers to make a monetary donation to the local Red Cross chapter, where workers are providing food and shelter to residents of Oso and surrounding communities, their families and first responders.

KFXX-AM Raises $120,000 for Special Olympics Oregon

Date Posted: 1/10/2014

Entercom’s KFXX-AM Portland held its third annual radiothon to support Special Olympics Oregon. The 28-hour event was led by KFXX-AM’s hosts Isaac Ropp and Jason Scukanec, and raised more than $120,000 from listeners. "We can’t thank our listeners enough. They stepped up again and beat last year’s record by more than $45,000," said Scukanec.

KOBI-TV Hosts TV Special for Breast Cancer Survivors

Date Posted: 11/12/2013

California Oregon Broadcaster’s NBC affiliate KOBI-TV Medford, Ore., aired a special on October 23 called "Night of Healing: Life after Breast Cancer." Throughout KOBI-TV’s 6 p.m. newscast, a panel of caregivers, specializing in various aspects of breast cancer related to mind and body, took viewers’ calls and answered questions for one hour.

Sinclair’s KVAL-TV Raises $695,000 for American Cancer Society

Date Posted: 10/4/2013

Sinclair Broadcasting’s CBS affiliate KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore., served as the media sponsor for the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) Relay for Life of Eugene, Springfield and the surrounding Oregon counties. KVAL-TV donated more than $47,000 in airtime to ACS’s PSAs. Additionally, the station aired numerous stories and programming packages about the Relay. On race day more than 30 employees and their families participated in the walk which raised more than $695,000 for ACS.

Broadcaster Awards Thousands of Grant Dollars Through YES

California Oregon Broadcasting’s KOBI-TV and KOTI-TV in Medford, Ore., launched YES (Youth Education Success) to support local school programs affected by budget cuts in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Thus far, YES has awarded thousands of dollars in grants to schools for programs such as swimming lessons for special needs children, chin rests for students’ violins and new school laptops and software.

KVAL-TV Works to Put Cancer in the Can

Fisher Broadcasting’s KVAL-TV Eugene, OR served as the official media sponsor for the Eugene/Springfield area’s Relay For Life. KVAL-TV supported Relay with eight public service announcements that ran from February through August for a total value of over $44,000 in airtime and production services. KVAL-TV’s news team aired 15 stories, 10 packages and accomplished 13 live shots at the event. In total, the record-breaking event with 171 teams, including the KVAL-TV team of 30 employees, raised $719,785 for the American Cancer Society. Brenda Webber, district executive director, Great West Chapter of the American Cancer Society said, "KVAL-TV has always been wonderful about producing unique, local public service announcements encouraging participation and support for Relay For Life. We couldn’t be more grateful to have them as a partner in the fight against cancer!"

th Annual CanDo! Food Drive Raises 17,317 lbs. of Food

Fisher Broadcasting’s KVAL-TV Eugene, Ore. recently held its fourth annual CanDo! Food Drive on April 18. The event included a live remote with 62 cut-ins from two locations, starting at 5 a.m. and ending at 6:30 p.m. Twenty-eight KVAL staffers manned the locations for a total of 180 hours. Dawn Marie Woodward, media coordinator at Food for Lane County, said, "KVAL CanDo! Food Drive is a well-timed drive because the non-perishable food collected during the holiday drives is gone, and it is crucial to making sure we have canned goods going into the spring months. KVAL is a great partner in not only helping stock our shelves, but sharing our mission as well." Thanks to generous viewers, food for over 13,500 meals was donated.

Delilah Vows to Help Feed 50,000 Children

Premiere Radio Networks personality Delilah has set a goal this year to help 50,000 children and their families across the nation by providing food and essentials in partnership with hunger relief organization Feed the Children. Delilah asks listeners across more than 200 affiliate stations to donate to Feed the Children’s Americans Feeding Americans Caravan, which has served more than 325,000 American families in the past two years. "If you have spent a single night with me in the studio, you would hear the calls I receive from mothers who struggle to make ends meet and have to make a decision between paying rent or buying food for their family," Delilah said. "The organization will be the arms and legs to help reach families who need our help."

KUPL-FM Raises Relief Funds for Flood Victims

Alpha’s KUPL-FM Portland, Ore., morning personality Jake the Quake helped the relief effort after nearby Turner, Ore., was devastated by flooding. During a live broadcast from a local Safeway grocery store, Quake asked listeners to donate building supplies, non-perishable food items and cash. Due to the size of the town, Turner is not eligible for federal relief aid. "With your help, this town can bounce back and land on its feet once again," Jake said. Reader’s Digest kicked off the drive with a $1,000 grant. Listeners voted for Turner to receive an additional $50,000 grant through hundreds of visits to the Readers Digest Facebook page.

KOBI NBC 5’s ‘A Night of Healing’ Addresses Breast Cancer

California Oregon Broadcasting’s NBC-affiliate stations KOBI-TV and KOTI-TV teamed up with Care Oregon to present A Night of Healing: Life after Breast Cancer for women transitioning from breast cancer treatment to breast cancer survival. A panel of caregivers, specializing in various aspects of breast cancer, took private, anonymous calls for an hour. Callers spoke with the specialist of their choice regarding best practices for living with and after breast cancer. The stations included commonly asked questions and answers on Facebook during and after the event.

"Miles For Smiles" Telethon Raises Over 1.7 Million Frequent Flier Miles to Help Children

Fisher Communications’ KVAL-TV in Eugene, Ore., recently held its third annual "Miles For Smiles" telethon, to benefit The Make-A-Wish® Foundation of Oregon. Viewers were invited to call with their donations via live broadcasts or donate through the KVAL website before and after the telethon. Seventy-five percent of Oregon wishes are travel-related. KVAL and partner businesses teamed up with The Make-A-Wish® Foundation of Oregon to help bring hope, strength and joy into the lives of children and their families during a time when the families need it most. Thanks to generous viewers, the event raised over 1.7 million frequent flier miles.

KOBI-TV and KOTI-TV Combat Meth across Southern Oregon

California Oregon Broadcasting Inc.’s KOBI-TV Medford and KOTI-TV Klamath, Ore., sponsor a year-round initiative, The Southern Oregon Meth Project, which educates local kids about the dangers of methamphetamines and their devastating impact on individuals, families and the community. Based on recent reports, 75 percent of local foster children are being cared for due to parental absence as a result of meth abuse. Eight out of 10 area arrests are also related to the substance. The Southern Oregon Meth Project combats meth through reality-based television series and radio ads. Additionally, KOBI-TV and KOTI-TV staff hold presentations at local schools and air half-hour specials every quarter to assist in the effort. Click here to visit the Southern Oregon Meth Projects’ extensive website.

KOBI-TV Campaign Uncovers the Effects of Child Abuse in Oregon

California Oregon Broadcasting Inc.’s KOBI-TV Medford, Ore., hosts an ongoing initiative entitled "Don’t Turn Away," which builds awareness of child abuse and its effects to the broader Southern Oregon community. In partnership with the Mail Tribune and the Jackson Country Child Abuse Network, "Don’t Turn Away" provides news coverage of local instances of child abuse, a list of the warning signs in a child of possible abuse, experts’ tips for ending this mistreatment in the community, as well as local resources for seeking help.

Third Annual CanDo! Food Drive Raises 36,938 Pounds of Food for Eugene, Ore., Families

Fisher Communications’ KVAL-TV in Eugene, Ore., and its sister stations, KCBY-TV Coos Bay and KPIC-TV Roseburg, part of the Fisher Broadcasting’s family of stations, recently held their third annual CanDo! Food Drive across Oregon. KVAL’s campaign culminated in a live remote broadcast on March 30, with 49 cut-ins from three locations starting at 5 a.m. and ending at 6:30 p.m. Food for Lane County’s Media Coordinator Dawn Marie Woodward, noted, "The drive not only brings in much needed food, but equally as valuable is the public awareness it brings to the issue of hunger in our community." KCBY-TV and KPIC-TV held similar CanDo! Food Drives resulting in another 18,500 pounds of food for their respective communities. Thanks to generous viewers, the food donated provided more than 14,500 meals for area residents.

KTVL-TV Celebrates 25 Years in Partnership With Medford, Ore., Elementary School

Freedom Communications’ KTVL-TV Medford, Ore., and Medford’s Kennedy Elementary School celebrated the 25th Anniversary of their School-Business partnership at Medford’s Pear Blossom Festival. Teachers and students from Kennedy joined KTVL staff to create and man a float commemorating this milestone. Over the past quarter of a century, Kennedy and KTVL have been working together for the betterment of the students and staffs, both at the school and the station. Over the years there have been numerous partnership events and activities, including several "TV station vs. Teachers" fundraising basketball games, celebrity guest readers at the school "Read Across America" days, behind-the-scenes TV station tours as a reward for outstanding achievement by students, educational PSAs created by students and broadcasted on KTVL.

Can Food Contributions Soar during KLAD-FM’s Supermarket Saturday

Revitalization Partners’ KLAD-FM Klamath Falls, Ore., assisted the Klamath Lake Counties Food Bank in raising more than 100 tons of food during a one-day "Supermarket Saturday" food drive. To promote the event, KLAD-FM’s General Manager Rob Siems spent six hours hoisted in the air. He descended one foot throughout the day for every two tons of food that was donated. For 10 years, KLAD-FM’s event has been a major fundraiser, raising more than 800 tons of food. The Klamath Lake Counties Food Bank serves two counties in Oregon, providing food to nearly 5,600 households and distributing 26,000 pounds of food weekly.

Fisher Communications Develops Multipronged Approach to Raise Japan Relief Funds

Fisher Communications Inc., in partnership with the Red Cross, launched a fundraising campaign to help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan via Fisher’s television, radio and online media properties across six markets and all of the company’s online and mobile platforms. To date, the company has collected more than $550,000 in funds that will support the Red Cross’ relief work and other disaster management experts to continue to deliver food, shelter and emotional support to those in need in Japan. Randy Hutson, CEO of Seattle Red Cross said, "The fundraising effort launched between the Red Cross and Fisher Communications is one of the most successful I’ve seen during my time with the Red Cross. The idea was created and launched within days of the disaster and the amazing work of both Fisher’s staff and Red Cross volunteers made it happen! The multi-faceted nature of the campaign enabled us to reach people not only through television, but radio and the Internet, providing a lot of flexibility for the general public."

Medford’s KTVL-TV Helps Viewers Give without Expecting Anything in Return

Freedom Broadcasting-owned KTVL-TV Medford, Ore., joined Grange Co-Op and Wendy’s Restaurants for the 3rd annual Community Toy Drive, which collected more than 3,000 new toys valued at more than $30,000. KTVL-TV’s event helped to insure that every child in Medford would receive at least one gift during the Christmas holiday. "It is so heart-warming to see such tremendous generosity in these difficult times," said KTVL-TV’s General Manager Kingsley Kelley. "We can all be very proud to live in communities where people are so willing to give when there is a need, without expecting anything in return."

Belo’s K.GW-TV Portland Provides Toys to More Than 100 Regional Nonprofit Agencies

Belo’s NBC Affiliate KGW-TV Portland collected nearly 45,000 toys for children during the 2010 holiday season as part of the station’s annual "KGW Great Toy Drive." KGW-TV and its partners distributed the presents to more than 100 local nonprofit agencies that serve tens of thousands of children in the Portland area. DJ Wilson, KGW NewsChannel 8 president and general manager noted, "The generosity of our community in this time of need and the incredible resources our partners brought to the toy drive [was] truly exceptional."

KWPK-FM Collects 2,000 Toys for Christmas

By the end of this year’s “104 Hours for Kids” campaign, KWPK-FM in Bend, Ore., had collected more than 2,000 toys, making the holidays brighter for local families who have been hit hard by the economy. For five days, morning show personality Dave Clemens lived in a recreational vehicle where he broadcast live and encouraged listeners to drop off gifts. In addition to airing promotional spots starting two weeks prior to the event, the station used its Web site, Twitter account, and MySpace and Facebook pages to get the community excited about taking part. “It was great to see our listeners come together to support the communities we serve,” said Clemens. “The toys we collected will make a huge difference for less fortunate families this holiday season.”

KGW-TV Holds School Supply Drive

When KGW-TV in Portland, Ore., learned that more than 40 percent of families in the state struggle to afford basic school supplies, and that teachers spend an average of $1,200 out-of-pocket for classroom supplies, it went to work on a new campaign. In its inaugural year, the KGW School Supply Drive sent more than 5,500 children to their first day of school wearing a backpack filled a year’s worth of supplies. Forty-five area school districts benefited. News stories, a special Web page, public service announcements featuring the station’s anchors and a video blog by reporter Drew Carney all helped make it easy for the community to get involved. The School Supply Drive is one of three drives the station supports annually. Last year’s Spring Food Drive brought in more than 1 million pounds of food and more than 60,000 toys were collected during the station’s Christmas Toy Drive, setting a new record.

KGDD-AM Encourages Listeners to Vote

With a commitment to getting out the message that each vote makes a difference, KGDD-AM in Portland, Ore., launched its “El Voto Latino Campaign.” Before the Oregon primaries, the station, along with sister station KSZN-AM, ran one-minute public service announcements (PSAs) more than a dozen times each day encouraging listeners to register to vote. Thirty- and 15-second voter registration PSAs also aired in high rotation. Broadcasts on KGDD were filled with information on the candidates’ visits to Oregon, providing listeners with resources to find additional information about both the candidates and the issues. Every Monday through Friday, the station’s mobile unit went on the road, providing the community with multiple places to pick up voter registration forms, which were also passed out by station staff during the Cinco de Mayo Festival. Because of the station’s efforts, 5,000 forms were distributed before the primary elections. Now in high gear for the general election, the station plans on getting voter registration forms into the hands of thousands more in the Hispanic community. Additional voter registration form distributions will take place at well-attended events, including Festival Luis Palau at the Portland Waterfront Park and Mexican Independence celebrations. The station is working to get registration forms into Latino magazines, as well. “I am sure that working together we can have a greater impact on the Latino community and its involvement in the voting process,” said KGDD’s Erika Zacarias.

KPTV-TV Works to Prevent Underage Drinking

Nearly a third of Oregon eighth graders and half of 11th graders report drinking alcohol in the past 30 days. These alarming statistics spurred KPTV-TV in Beaverton, Ore., into action to reverse the trend. Working with the Oregon Partnership, a statewide nonprofit organization that works to promote the health of kids, the station launched a multi-platform community service campaign to prevent underage drinking. In addition to a series of news stories, the news team produced a half-hour special, "Underage Drinking: A Call to Action," which aired during National Alcohol Awareness Month in conjunction with town hall meetings. KPTV news anchor Wayne Garcia moderated the town hall meeting at Beaverton’s Sunset High School. The station also produced both broadcast and print public service announcements. The focus of all aspects of the campaign was on changing the future so alcohol use doesn’t claim the lives and health of more teens.

KKCW-FM Partners with Susan G. Komen

Since the first local Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 21 years ago, KKCW-FM in Portland, Ore., has been a partner. The event has grown into the third largest Race for the Cure in the nation, bringing more than 47,000 people together to raise money for breast cancer research. For the past four years, KKCW’s sister stations, KEX-AM, KKRZ-FM, KPOJ-AM and KQOL-FM, have joined as exclusive radio sponsors for the event. All five stations promote the race with hundreds of promotional announcements and email blasts to their listeners starting three months before race day. KKCW aired more than 300 live and recorded spots alone. On-air talent from each station leads a race team. Last year, Dana Jeffries, KKCW’s morning show co-host, ran the course with a team of nearly 200 listeners. From before sunrise through the afternoon, KKCW’s morning show broadcast live from the event. All the stations aired race coverage, including interviews with cancer survivors and runners. After the last person crossed the finish line, a new fundraising record of nearly $3 million had been set.

KGW-TV Collects 1 Million Pounds of Food

"The Great Food Drive," organized by KGW-TV in Portland, Ore., surpassed its goal this year, collecting more than 1.1 million pounds of food to feed the needy. The station began its annual month-long food drive five years ago to help families in Oregon and southwest Washington. Donations go to the Oregon Food Bank, the statewide hub for a network of 919 hunger-relief agencies. Throughout March 2008, KGW aired public service announcements, including one featuring Gov. Ted Kulongoski. Daily news stories on the need for donations and the progress of the campaign kept the goals of the effort in viewers’ minds. The value of the airtime for the PSAs alone totaled more than $75,000. In addition to raising funds and food donations, KGW uses the campaign to educate viewers about the root causes and status of hunger in the state.

KTVL-TV Helps Solve Cold Crimes

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A twice-weekly segment about unsolved crimes that runs during the 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. news on KTVL-TV in Medford, Ore., has aided in the arrest of more than 80 criminals, making the city a safer place. Both segments, "Crime Stoppers MethWatch" and "Crime Stoppers," are backed by the station, Crime Stoppers of Southern Oregon, local law enforcement and the local newspaper. With a goal of stopping the spread of drugs in Southern Oregon, "MethWatch," specifically targets people who manufacture and distribute methamphetamine. These reports aren’t just about the "bad" guys. As an eye-opener to the far-reaching effects meth has on the community, "MethWatch" segments also feature stories about the drug’s affects on the workforce, youth and the community. Success stories of addicts who have received treatment and taken back their lives also air, and once a year, a MethWatch half-hour special summarizes all the people profiled and lists resources for users to get help. "With KTVL’s support and assistance, both ‘MethWatch’ and ‘Crime Stoppers’ have made a huge impact on the safety of our community," said Deputy Chief Tim George, president of Crime Stoppers of Southern Oregon. "It takes a communitywide effort to beat an epidemic like methamphetamine, and KTVL has done more than their share as a community partner."

KATU-TV Helps Pets Find Homes

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It’s a story with a happy ending. Every animal that has been featured as the "Pet of the Week" on KATU-TV in Portland, Ore., has found a home. The 100 percent adoption success rate is made all the more sweet by the fact that the dogs and cats appearing on the segment are those who have been at the Oregon Humane Society for some time. Each year, the station also helps the shelter, which is the third oldest animal welfare organization in the nation, raise much-needed funds by hosting a live four-hour telethon. In 2007, the fundraiser led to 72 adoptions and raised $275,000 from individual and corporate donations, a $55,000 increase from the year before. Promotional announcements and appearances from Humane Society staff on the "AM Northwest" show helped raise awareness of the event. "The partnership that KATU has with the Oregon Humane Society literally saves lives," said Barbara Baugnon, marketing director of the Oregon Humane Society. "Pets that are highlighted weekly on KATU find homes, and the telethon raises funds that allow us to continue to provide homeless animals with shelter and medical care."

KDCQ-FM Collects Food, Money and Gifts

Multiple school buses left packed full of food and gifts at the second annual "Bus Jam," an event organized by KDCQ-FM in Coos Bay, Ore. The station’s listeners gave more than 7,400 pounds of food, 1,000 gifts and $800 during the five-hour remote, providing relief for those who have hit hard times. "In spite of reports of donations being down all around the nation, the community rallied behind this event to set unprecedented records of giving," said KDCQ General Manager Stephanie Kilmer. Nearly 300 promotional announcements aired during the four-week period before the event, including playtime during morning and afternoon drive periods. At the event, staff worked side-by-side with volunteers to collect, sort and distribute items, contributing more than 200 hours. "Bus Jam" allowed more than 300 children throughout the broadcast area to receive Christmas gifts. Coos County, which houses 60,000 residents, has high unemployment and food insecurity rates, making the need for the drive significant. In related efforts, the station hosts a community baby shower and collects backpacks and supplies for children who have been taken from methamphetamine homes.

KQAK-FM, KWPK-FM and KLTW-FM Broadcast Regional Spelling Bee

The theater of radio comes alive each year when KQAK-FM, KWPK-FM and KLTW-FM in Bend, Ore., broadcast the Regional Spelling Bee in its entirety. The stations began the annual event four years ago as part of their commitment to education. The broadcast is akin to a sporting event, complete with station talent as commentators and interviews with fans. Together with other local businesses, the stations provide the three best spellers with $1,000 college savings bonds. This past year, 57 students competed, representing three school districts. Promotional announcements air the week leading up to the competition on KQAK, KWPK, KLTW and two additional sister stations from Horizon Broadcasting Group. "I had a neighbor tell me her family started listening to it when they were in the car, and they ended up sitting in their driveway for more than an hour to see who won," said Keith Shipman, president of Horizon Broadcasting Group. "Those are the stories that really make it worth it." The stations air the broadcast the day after the spelling bee so the children can hear themselves on the radio.

KOBI-TV and KOTI-TV Helps Prevent Drug Abuse

An award-winning three-year project started by KOBI-TV in Medford, Ore., and KOTI-TV in Klamath Falls, Ore., focuses on stopping methamphetamine abuse before it starts. With meth playing a part in three out of four foster care placements and eight out of 10 arrests, "The Southern Oregon Meth Project" has a mission to prevent the next generation from becoming addicts. As spokesperson for the project, Christina Anderson, news anchor and reporter for KOBI and KOTI, visits schools to get word out about the dangers of meth. Public service announcements (PSAs) and radio and newspaper ads are also part of the prevention strategy. Special reports and quarterly half-hour specials related to meth air on both stations. Other components of the extensive effort have included student PSA contests, a three-part Meth Forum attended by 300 community members and a live broadcast of a townhall meeting where drug abuse was discussed with U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden(D-OR), and Gordon Smith (R-OR). The project was given the Chairman’s Community Award by the Chamber of Medford/Jackson County, and its "Faces of Meth" PSA was recognized by the Oregon Broadcasters Association in 2007.

KAST-AM Provides Community Lifeline During Hurricane

When hurricane-class winds slammed into the region, killing two and causing damage in excess of $25 million, KAST-AM in Astoria, Ore., provided a lifeline to its community. Two days prior, the station readied generators, set up broadcast redundancies and prepared its listeners with more than 40 hours of reporting about the storm to come. When the storm hit, KAST staff literally fought through the rain and high winds to keep the power on. The station established a 24-hour commercial-free rotation to ensure listeners would receive the latest information. As one of the few stations to remain on air, emergency response groups, government officials and public works employees all used KAST to communicate information about food, shelter, health needs, assistance and volunteer efforts. For days after the storm, the station was still broadcasting information and taking calls to help listeners learn about available aid. Weeks later, when the storm’s immediate effects had passed, KAST continued its storm recovery efforts by working with a local charity, The Wishing Tree. Hours of programming were dedicated to gathering food, toys and gifts to ensure children and families were still able to have Christmas after the storm. In total, KAST provided more than 285 hours of airtime to help its community prepare, survive and recover.

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