Topic: Youth-Focused Initiatives
Multiple school buses left packed full of food and gifts at the second annual "Bus Jam," an event organized by KDCQ-FM in Coos Bay, Ore. The station’s listeners gave more than 7,400 pounds of food, 1,000 gifts and $800 during the five-hour remote, providing relief for those who have hit hard times. "In spite of reports of donations being down all around the nation, the community rallied behind this event to set unprecedented records of giving," said KDCQ General Manager Stephanie Kilmer. Nearly 300 promotional announcements aired during the four-week period before the event, including playtime during morning and afternoon drive periods. At the event, staff worked side-by-side with volunteers to collect, sort and distribute items, contributing more than 200 hours. "Bus Jam" allowed more than 300 children throughout the broadcast area to receive Christmas gifts. Coos County, which houses 60,000 residents, has high unemployment and food insecurity rates, making the need for the drive significant. In related efforts, the station hosts a community baby shower and collects backpacks and supplies for children who have been taken from methamphetamine homes.
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