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National Association of Broadcasters

Missouri's Broadcasters

Serving Every Local Community

41 KSHB Kansas City Raises $76,250 to Buy Shoes for Kids in Need

Date Posted: 12/18/2023

The second annual Gift of Sole Gala from Scripps Local Media’s 41 KSHB Kansas City raised $76,250 to provide new shoes to more than 1,200 area kids in need. “A simple pair of shoes does a lot for a child,” Fabi Maldonado, the mother of one of last year’s recipients, told the station. “It brings them confidence. It brings them feeling like a new person.”

KSHB 41 Raises Over $100,000 to Buy Shoes for Kids

Date Posted: 12/9/2022

KSHB 41’s community project Gift of Sole raised $100,800 to help buy shoes for over 1,300 young people in the Kansas City area. Including a week-long donation drive and an in-person gala, this year’s Gift of Sole doubled the money raised in 2021. Gift of Sole is a partnership between KSHB 41, the Boys & Girls Club of Kansas City, the Urban Ranger Corps and the Scripps Howard Fund.

“The generosity and willingness from our audience to stand behind this project for yet another year means so much to me and our community,” said evening anchor Kevin Holmes. “The money raised will help so many more kids than I could have ever imagined. I’m very blessed and tremendously grateful to the station and the people of Kansas City for rallying behind this effort.”

KMOX Challenges Disinformation with Education

Date Posted: 7/28/2022

Local broadcasters provide America’s most trusted news with fact-based reporting that can help stop the spread of disinformation. St. Louis, Mo., radio station KMOX interviewed a local professor who has studied the topic of conspiracy theories about how these theories perpetuate, especially in the contemporary online space, and used that foundation to debunk political conspiracy theories.

St. Louis Station Sets Fundraising Record for Ronald McDonald House Charities

Date Posted: 7/7/2022

The St. Louis area’s 105.7 The Point, owned by Hubbard Radio, set a new record for the Donny Fandango 28-Hour Radiothon during its 12th annual event. The station raised $68,224 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of St. Louis. On-air personality Donny Fandango broadcast for 28 hours straight, playing listener requests to raise funds.

Missouri Radio Raises More Than $95,000 for Honor Flight

Date Posted: 7/1/2022

A radiothon from five Zimmer Radio stations in Missouri raised $95,545 for Central Missouri Honor Flight, an organization that honors our nation’s veterans with trips to memorials in Washington, D.C. Central Missouri Honor Flight president Mary Paulsell thanked everyone who donated, noting some children donated a quarter and that many listeners donated $1.

93.9 The Eagle Raises More Than $230,000 for Kids

Date Posted: 2/24/2022

The people of Mid-Missouri came together to support the 16th annual 93.9 The Eagle Missouri Credit Union "Miracle for Kids Radiothon" in February. The radiothon raised $230,448 for the MU Health Care Children’s Hospital.

KMBC-TV Profiles First Latino Elected to State Office in Missouri

Date Posted: 10/12/2021

Hearst Television’s ABC affiliate KMBC 9 News Kansas City, Mo., profiled Paul Rojas in September, the first Latino elected to state office in Missouri and a community leader who mobilized Latinos to vote and run for office. Rojas, whose father came to the United States from Mexico, joined the Navy as a teenager and served during the Korean War. He later became politically active, helping to form a political organization that worked to increase Hispanic representation and was elected to the Missouri statehouse in 1972. Despite positives changes and progress, Rojas said that discrimination persists and at 87 years old is still active with the historic Guadalupe Centers organization, providing education and services to the Hispanic community in Kansas City.

KMMO-FM Missouri Highlights Initiative to Vaccinate Seniors

Date Posted: 4/6/2021

Missouri Valley Broadcasting’s KMMO Marshall, Mo. highlighted on its website an initiative designed to assist older Missourians with accessing the COVID-19 vaccine.

The collaboration between the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and Missouri’s Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) launched on February 16 and will assist seniors with online vaccination registrations, coordinate round- trip transportation to and from their vaccination appointment and conduct reminder calls for seniors’ second doses.

“Navigating the web and registering online can be a challenge for seniors, so we’re working closely with the AAAs to provide hands-on assistance with the process and make sure that folks have safe transportation to their appointments,” said Jessica Bax, director of the Division of Senior and Disability Services. “This partnership with the AAAs will ensure all Missouri seniors are able to access their vaccine.”

KMMO Missouri Highlights Initiative to Vaccinate Seniors

Date Posted: 2/16/2021

Missouri Valley Broadcasting’s KMMO Marshall, Mo., highlighted on its website an initiative designed to assist older Missourians with accessing the COVID-19 vaccine. The collaboration between the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and Missouri’s Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) launched on February 16 and will assist seniors with online vaccination registrations, coordinate round trip transportation to and from their vaccination appointment and conduct reminder calls for seniors’ second doses. “Navigating the web and registering online can be a challenge for seniors, so we’re working closely with the AAAs to provide hands-on assistance with the process and make sure that folks have safe transportation to their appointments,” said Jessica Bax, director of the Division of Senior and Disability Services. “This partnership with the AAAs will ensure all Missouri seniors are able to access their vaccine.”

KOMU Investigates Disparity in COVID Vaccine Distribution

Date Posted: 2/1/2021

The University of Missouri’s NBC/CW affiliate KOMU-TV Columbia, Mo. reported on disparities in the distribution of the COVID-19. Using data and information from the state and research from the National Association of Broadcasters and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, the station found that nearly nearly double the number of women have received the vaccine as compared to men. KOMU’s report is available here.

Kansas City Cluster Collects Food and Toys During Annual Drive

Date Posted: 12/9/2020

Carter Broadcast Group’s Kansas City, Mo. cluster hosted a digital weekend of giving on December 4 and 5 for the 27th "Annual Toy and Food Drive." All stations in the cluster--KPRS-FM, KPRT-AM/FM and KPRS-HD2--participated over the weekend to encourage donations and promote the drive over the air. More than 6000 meal and 300 toys were donated during the two-day period.

Because the pandemic, the station and their had to adjust their traditional donation drive, including shifting to accepting online donations. The weekend of promotion has helped spread to word about changes and educate listeners how they can continue to support local charities and the community.

KFVS Blood Drive Saves 2,200 Lives

Date Posted: 9/1/2020

Gray Television’s KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, Mo., partnered with the local Red Cross and Wither’s Broadcasting’s nine-station radio cluster to host their annual Summer Blood Drive between August 20 and August 22. After days of on-air station promotion and television spots highlight the importance of giving blood, more than 800 donors visited the blood drive donation centers set up across the viewing area to donate 754 units of blood—a 50 percent increase on the previous year’s blood drive output. The donated amount can provide blood for more than 2,200 hospital patients in need of transfusions.

WDAF Funds Music Programs for Students

Date Posted: 6/30/2020

Nexstar Media Group’s WDAF-TV Kansas City, Mo., was nominated for a Service to Community Award in the Television – Large Market category.

Due to state budget cuts, local schools no longer had the ability to lend students musical instruments to participate in their school bands, orchestras and symphonies. To help the students and musical programs throughout the state, WDAF created a one-of-a-kind musical instrument drive to collect instruments for students. With the creation of the FOX4 Band of Angels nonprofit, this scholarship program has awarded over $200,000 in scholarships and more than 2,200 instruments to students across the 60 school districts in Kansas and Missouri generating approximately $1.1 million dollars for the local community.

KSHE-FM Raises $103,000 for COVID-19 Relief

Date Posted: 5/29/2020

Giving back to the community and industry that helped shape it into the station it is today, Emmis Communications-owned KSHE 95 “Real Rock Radio” teamed up with the St. Louis Community Foundation to raise money for the Gateway Resilience Fund (GRF). The fund provides short-term monetary relief to employees and owners of independent bars, restaurants, and shops in the St. Louis area affected by closures and other circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listeners visited the KSHE SCHSTUFF STORE (online), to purchase the “Rockin’ Against COVID-19 Sweetmeat T-shirt” or the limited-edition KSHE 95 branded Face Mask with the 100% of the profits benefiting the fund. After nearly eight weeks of sales, KSHE 95 raised $103,742.

“This is normally the time of year that KSHE would be gearing up for hot concerts, summer beers, great food, and making great memories with our listeners and friends at restaurants and venues across the region. However, due to COVID-19, too many of our friends are hurting. Thanks to our generous listeners, we were able to offer a little help!” stated Kristen Lewis – KSHE Marketing and Advertising Director.

“The Gateway Resilience Fund has been the purest example of St. Louisans helping St. Louisans I have ever witnessed. It has been a true honor to administer this fund whose sole purpose was to get short-term emergency funds into the hands of essential St. Louisans. KSHE’s support of the GRF’s goals goes above and beyond!” stated Amy Murphy- Director of donor Relations and Services.

‘ONE KC: A Digital Day of Giving’ Raises $2 Million

Date Posted: 4/16/2020

E.W. Scripps’ NBC affiliate KSHB-TV Kansas City and Scripps’ independent station KMCI-TV Lawrence, Kan., joined a group of television and radio stations for “One KC: A Digital Day of Giving” on April 16. The event raised $2 million for the Kansas City Regional COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, which provides housing assistance, food, medical help and other critical services. “We see it every day. The need right now in our community is tremendous and we wanted to give back,” said Vice President and GM Kathleen Choal. “We are looking forward to joining forces for this one day in this unique effort, to help those in the greater Kansas City area who need it most. Together, our voice is strongest when we unite with one goal in mind.” " target= _blank">One KC: A Digital Day of Giving” on April 16. The event raised $2 million for the Kansas City Regional COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, which provides housing assistance, food, medical help and other critical services.

“We see it every day. The need right now in our community is tremendous and we wanted to give back,” said Vice President and GM Kathleen Choal. “We are looking forward to joining forces for this one day in this unique effort, to help those in the greater Kansas City area who need it most. Together, our voice is strongest when we unite with one goal in mind.”

Zimmer Communications Provides Critical COVID-19 Coverage

Date Posted: 4/7/2020

Zimmer Communications’ radio stations have shared 27+ hours of press conferences and more than 20,000 messages to keep communities in Missouri informed on the COVID-19 crisis. Stations such as KCLR-FM Boonville, Mo., also air information on open restaurants to support local businesses. See more here.

TEGNA’s ‘Facts Not Fear’ Approach to Coronavirus

Date Posted: 2/28/2020

TEGNA stations are committed to a “Facts Not Fear” approach to reporting on the coronavirus outbreak, with a focus on providing context and perspective, while not downplaying the severity of the situation. TEGNA is paying close attention to the graphics stations use and encourages reporters to take the time needed to ensure they report accurate information. National and local fact-checking teams at TEGNA’s project Verify are focused on coronavirus misinformation and are creating accurate reports.

NBC affiliate KPNX aired a segment addressing rumors about how coronavirus might spread on international flights.

NBC affiliate KUSA Denver produced an 80-second video mission statement promising viewers that it will not “play on our fears and yours” with click-bait headlines. It also pledged not to “guess or speculate or assume,” but instead seek out multiple experts and vetted sources.

NBC affiliate KSDK St. Louis also aired a segment about TEGNA’s “Facts Not Fear” approach. The station offered a phone number so viewers can text questions about the coronavirus and receive answers from medical professionals.

“Our journalists and our news leaders are handling this with such care and such a commitment to help their communities,” said TEGNA VP of News Ellen Crooke. “They have a great sense of this is a duty to our country, to do this well and to do this properly.”

KFVS Stuffs the Bus for Local Schools

Date Posted: 8/5/2019

Gray Television’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, MO., hosted their annual summer fundraisers in early August to support, honor and provide for the community. The station ran on-air promotions, mentions in local broadcasts and social media content to educate and encourage community members to participate in all events.

During the annual “Stuff-the-Bus” event, KFVS partnered with nearby radio stations, Salvation Army and the United Way to collect school supplies for those in need at over 30 school districts. Donations were collected on August 2 - 3 at 19 Walmart locations throughout the viewing area. While promoting “Stuff-the-Bus,” the station aired PSAs entitled “Back-to-School Advice from the Heartland’s Best.” In the spots, local high school valedictorians offered advice to fellow students.

KFVS also hosted their 22nd annual Summer Blood Drive in partnership with the American Red Cross. This year’s drive, themed “Salute to Heroes,” set up nine donation centers in Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois. During the two-day event, donors gave enough productive units of blood to impact over 1,800 people.

Zimmer Broadcasting Airs Critical Tornado Coverage

Date Posted: 6/19/2019

Zimmer Radio’s nine stations provided ten hours critical wall-to-wall tornado coverage from late on May 22 through the morning of May 23. Coverage preempted all promotions and included calls from listeners and information from emergency personnel. The stations aired live press conferences with Jefferson City Police Department and a live call from Governor Parson. A listener shared this message:

“As a member of Mid Missouri, I wanted to take the time today to say thank you. In the minutes following the storms and tornado that struck Eldon and Jeff City areas, you all stopped normal operations to become the calm, responsible voice that people needed for help and reassurance.

You all acted like responsible journalists and reported facts and didn’t rush to report anything sensational or create an atmosphere of fear. You helped people and genuinely cared for the safety and well-being of those affected by this disaster. You put people before profit and are an example of how businesses and companies should operate.”

KOAM-TV Saves Lives During Tornado

Date Posted: 6/19/2019

Cherokee County Sheriff David Groves wrote a letter thanking Morgan Murphy Media’s CBS affiliate KOAM-TV Joplin, MO., for their “amazing coverage” of tornados that landed in late May 2019. "Their efforts to provide timely and accurate information to the public, without a doubt in my mind, allowed us to escape any serious injuries or deaths in our immediate area."

Zimmer Radio Raises $253,000 for Children’s Hospital

Date Posted: 3/1/2019

Zimmer Radio Group’s KTXY-FM, KSSZ-FM, KCLR-FM and KATI-FM Columbia, Mo., raised $253,000 during the 13th annual “Miracles for Kids” radiothon, held February 21 – 22 for MU Women’s and Children’s Hospital. On-air personalities and staffers shared personal stories and spoke with families and hospital staff to encourage listener donations.

KTTS-FM Awarded 2018 NAB Crystal Radio Award

Date Posted: 11/1/2018

KTTS-FM Springfield, Mo. was awarded the 2018 National Association of Broadcasters’ (NAB) Crystal Radio Award. Since 1987, the NAB Crystal Radio Awards have recognized radio stations for their outstanding year-round commitment to community service. Among their outstanding public service, KTTS-FM employees donated over 800 hours of volunteer time last year.

KFVS Stuffs the Bus

Date Posted: 9/4/2018

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, Mo., hosted its annual “Stuff the Bus” drive August 3 – 4. They collected supplies to benefit students in 30 school districts. The following week, KFVS hosted its 11th annual Summer Blood Drive, collecting 570 units of blood.

Stations Break Major News During Duck Boat Disaster

Date Posted: 9/4/2018

Local broadcasters struck a delicate balance between breaking major news and remaining sensitive to a tragedy, as a duck boat sank in Branson, Mo., on July 19. The accident left 17 people dead, including 10 members of one family. RTDNA Executive Director Dan Shelley delved into how stations covered the tragedy and how station’s emergency plans aided decision making in this article.

St. Louis Station Raises $31,000 for PTSD Dogs

Date Posted: 7/1/2018

Hubbard’s WIL-FM St. Louis afternoon team Stacey and Jonah raised $31,000 in the “One Pet, One Vet” campaign to help non-profit “Got Your Six” purchase service dogs for local veterans suffering from PTSD. The effort far exceeded the goal of raising $20,000.

KTXY-FM Awarded Service to Community Award for Radio – Small Market

Date Posted: 4/1/2018

KTXY’s 2017 Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Radiothon marked the 11th year Zimmer Radio and Marketing Group has partnered with CMN and the Missouri University’s Children’s Hospital. In that time, the station has raised more than 2.3 million dollars to help benefit sick children in mid-Missouri. The 2017 Miracles for Kids Radiothon raised over $250,000, and the initiative has won numerous Corporate Awards from the Missouri Broadcasters Association and is considered one of the top local radiothons by Children’s Miracle Network.

KTTS-FM Raises $162,00 For St. Jude

Date Posted: 3/1/2018

Scripps’ KTTS-FM Springfield Mo.. raised $161,000 during its St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Radiothon held March 1 – 2. During the event, listeners heard stories about how St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital impacts countless local families.

KFVS Meteorologist Honored

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Date Posted: 3/1/2018

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, Mo., Chief Meteorologist Grant Dade was honored on February 16 when the Missouri State Legislature adopted a special resolution honoring Dade for saving lives during a tornado on February 28, 2017. The EF4 tornado was more than a half mile wide and stayed on the ground for 50 miles, killing one person, destroying 40 homes and heavily damaging more than 100 more. Missouri State Representative Rick Francis presented Dade with a plaque at the site of homes that were destroyed. Grant met and spoke with some viewers. Comments include:

“…Your pinpoint accuracy of the devastating storm that hit Perry County saved lives. Families have told us your broadcast gave them the warning and time needed to seek shelter. Well done!” --Ken Baer, Perryville Mayor

“…the early warnings and predictions no doubt saved many lives! As a public servant, I greatly appreciate your dedication to saving lives and taking your profession serious!! Because of your excellent coverage my department was better able to protect our community follow the coverage.” --Chief James Humphreys, Jackson Police Department

“KFVS, you possibly saved my 15 year old son’s life.” ---Amy Hager, Perryville

“Our City Clerk has credited your team with saving the lives of her family members. Your coverage has been wonderful and you have helped us get the word out with everything from donations to volunteers.” --Brent Buerck, Perryville City Administrator

Radio Hosts Collect 10,000 Toys

Date Posted: 12/1/2017

Hubbard Radio’s WIL-FM St. Louis exceeded their goal of collecting 10,000 toys in the “Bikes, Balls and Barbies” drive for the local Salvation Army. The 36-hour toy drive, held December 1 - 2, was broadcast live and on Facebook Live. The entire WIL-FM on-air staff participated and welcomed special guests, including Kim Hudson of Tribune’s Fox affiliate KTVI-TV. “Hubbard Broadcasting continues to be the platinum standard for live, local talent with an unfaltering dedication to our community,” said Program Director Scott Roddy. “Bud and Broadway and the entire New Country 92.3 Home Team worked tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most: kids! I continue to be humbled by our community’s response and so grateful for our generous followers who made this happen.”

TEGNA Exposes World of Under-Age Girls Trafficked for Sex

Date Posted: 10/22/2017

Tegna stations revealed how young girls are trafficked into the sex industry in the six-part digital series "Selling Girls." The series is produced by investigative news teams from Tegna’s WXIA in Atlanta and KHOU in Houston. On-air coverage on Tegna stations began October 22. "We hope that ‘Selling Girls’ educates and informs our audiences and helps reverse the course of human trafficking in this country," said Tegna’s Vice President of News Ellen Crooke.

WARH-FM St. Louis Collects Suits for Veterans

Date Posted: 6/4/2017

Hubbard Broadcasting’s WARH-FM St. Louis and Spencer’s Neighborhood collected several dozen suits as part of the “Boots to Suits” campaign, held June 3 - 4. The fundraiser collected suits for local veterans returning to the workforce from deployment and were donated to “Dress for Success Midwest.”

KSHB Investigation Leads to Proposed Child Abuse Legislation

Date Posted: 5/4/2017

Scripp’s NBC affiliate KSHB-TV Kansas City conducted a three-part investigation into the death of seven-year-old Adrian Jones. The station uncovered footage from inside the boy’s home showing his mother and stepfather repeatedly abused him until his eventual death. Adrian is believed to have died in September or October, but his body was found in November in the family’s livestock pen. In response, Kansas State Representative Louis Ruiz introduced “Adrian’s Act” to strengthen child abuse laws. The parents now face life in prison.

KFVS Provides Life-Saving Tornado Coverage

Date Posted: 4/4/2017

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, MO provided wall-to-wall coverage of a tornado that landed on February 28 and provided support in the aftermath. Damage occurred in the Missouri Bootheel and in Southern Illinois, with the worst damage occurring in Perryville, MO. Twelve people were injured. Approximately 40 homes were completely destroyed and more than 100 more were heavily damaged.

The next morning, KFVS began airing PSAs featuring our meteorologists on-location to promote Red Cross donations. KFVS also promoted the Heartland Cares Food Drive on March 3 - 5. More than six tons of food filled 25 pallets for the Southeast Missouri Foodbank and Salvation Army in Southern Illinois. “The immediate response was overwhelming, that our detailed and accurate coverage was the main reason there were no more injuries or deaths,” said Director of Marketing Paul Keener.

“…Your pinpoint accuracy of the devastating storm that hit Perry County saved lives. Families have told us your broadcast gave them the warning and time needed to seek shelter. Well done!”

--Ken Baer, Perryville Mayor

“I would like to give a huge shout out to KFVS12…Grant Dade and Brian McCormick did an outstanding job for many hours. Grant Dade was superb and the early warnings and predictions no doubt saved many lives! Thank you for your care, concern, and passion. As a public servant myself…I greatly appreciate your dedication to saving lives and taking your profession very serious!! Because of your excellent coverage my department and I were better able to protect our community, follow the coverage, and be ready for an immediate response. Kudos!"

--Chief James Humphreys, Jackson Police Department

“KFVS, you possibly saved my 15 year old son’s life. He received your weather alerts on his phone which prompted him to turn on KFVS weather. After seeing the tornado tracking, he sought shelter in a neighbor’s basement. Just as he reached their storm shelter, the tornado hit. Here is the ’after" picture of his dad’s home that he was in just minutes before the tornado blew through Perryville. Thank you KFVS!!!"

--Amy Hager, Perryville

Zimmer Radio Raises $250,000 for Local Hospital

Date Posted: 2/13/2017

Zimmer Radio’s KCLR-FM, KTXY-FM, KATI-FM and KSSZ-FM Columbia, Mo. raised $250,000 in its “Miracles For Kids Radiothon,” held February 16 – 17 for the University of Missouri’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital. This is a 25 percent increase over 2016 and brings the 11-year total to $2 million.

KFVS Collects 628 Pints of Blood

Date Posted: 1/11/2017

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS Cape Girardeau, Mo. collected 628 pints of blood during the 22nd annual "Heartland Blood Drive," held January 11-14 at seven locations in Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois. The event launched January 11 with a private drive in the KFVS studio. It was a success despite the ice storm that caused most collection locations to shut down for part of the campaign.

KOMC and KRZK Help Salvation Army

Date Posted: 12/28/2016

Earls Family Broadcasting’s KOMC-AM/FM and KRZK-FM Branson, Mo. aired a news story about the local Salvation Army being $5,000 short on their goals. A listener heard the story and subsequently visited the Salvation Army thrift store with a check for the needed $5,000.

KFVS Food Drive Nets Tons of Goods

Date Posted: 12/11/2016

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, Mo. hosted the second annual "Heartland Food Drive" from December 5 - 11. The 14,200 pounds of food collected in Missouri provided 12,909 meals for local families. KFVS aired PSAs, utilized social media and partnered with Wither’s Broadcasting radio stations to encourage viewers to donate. One Facebook post reached more than 52,000 people.

KFVS Stuffs the Bus for 26 School Districts

Date Posted: 8/25/2016

On Saturday, August 6th, KFVS12 along with Wither’s Radio and the United Way, helped “stuff buses” with donated school supplies. Students from 26 school districts benefited from items collected at 13 Wal-Mart locations in Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois. KFVS12 and the radio stations of Wither’s promoted the event in the weeks prior. On the day of the campaign, KFVS12 staff volunteered to help with the collection, and radio stations had live remotes throughout the day. This was the third anniversary of the KFVS12 Stuff-The-Bus event. Here is the follow-up promo.

The annual KFVS12 Summer Blood Drive kicked off August 18 with a private drive in the KFVS12 studio to promote the following two public days, August 19, and 20 at seven locations throughout the viewing area. Overall, 739 viewers donated, resulting in 688 productive units of blood. The Red Cross goal for the drive was 634. According to the Red Cross, this is one of the most successful, and critical blood drives throughout their mid-west territory. View KFVS’ “Thank You” promo.

St. Louis Stations Contribute to Flood Relief

Date Posted: 8/16/2016

Eighteen local radio and television stations in St. Louis joined together to raise funds for the Louisiana flood victims in partnership with the American Red Cross. During the first tragic days, more than 50 Red Cross and community shelters provided refuge for more than 10,000 people. A volunteer phone bank was open from August 22 – 28 for viewers and listeners to donate. Participating stations include Emmis-owned KSHE-FM, KNOU-FM, KPNT-FM and KFTK-FM; Hubbard’s WARH-FM; WIL-FM and WXOS-FM; CBS Radio’s KMOX-FM and KYKY-FM; Radio One’s WHHL-FM and KFUN-FM; iHeartRadio’s KSLZ-FM, KSD-FM, KLOU-FM, KMJM-FM, KKWD-FM and KATZ-AM. In two weeks, the collected efforts raised $192,150.48.

KKJO-FM’s “Canned Film Festival” Collects Tons of Food

Date Posted: 7/28/2016

Eagle Communication’s KKJO-FM St. Joseph’s, Mo. collected more than 13,000 pounds of food in nine weeks during the 12th annual “Canned Film Festival.” KKJO-FM partnered with a local movie theater to provide free movie admission with a non-perishable food item on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings during the summer. A total of 10,862 kids and adults participated this year. The food collected benefits the Second Harvest Community Food Bank serving Northwest Missouri and Northeast Kansas.

KFVS Honors Everyday Heroes

Date Posted: 6/2/2016

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, Mo. honored 12 local “Everyday Heroes” at the 3rd annual honors banquet on June 9. One “hero” is selected from viewer nominations each month and is profiled in a local newscast and honored at the annual banquet. This year’s heroes make a difference through their work in domestic violence, elderly care, special needs children, holiday toy drives, childhood obesity and caring for veterans. The banquet also raised $30,000 for the local Red Cross. “The presentations are special and emotional for these heroes who go about doing wonderful things for their communities, without wanting recognition,” said KFVS Director of Marketing Paul Keener. “By honoring these volunteers, we hope to inspire others to become everyday heroes in their communities.”

KFVS Celebrates High School Valedictorians

Date Posted: 6/2/2016

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, Mo. honored nearly 80 area high school valedictorians on June 11 at the 31st annual “Heartland’s Best,” held at the Southeast Missouri State University. All students recorded on-camera greetings that will air this summer. Select students also made on-camera comments to be used in PSAs directed at youth and teens. The luncheon featured highlights of each student’s academic career, plus remarks from university President Dr. Carlos Vargas and KFVS anchors Mary-Ann Maloney and Jeff Cunningham.

KDAF-TV Investigates Renewed Gas Complaints

Date Posted: 6/1/2016

Tribune’s Fox affiliate KDAF-TV Kansas City investigated renewed gas complaints from local residents. Homeowners told KDAF-TV gasoline odors became stronger inside their houses recently, after workers capped off manholes and sewers covers near the Inner City Oil station. Investigative reporter John Pepitone learned that Zill Incorporated, the property owner, has told the state it is not liable for the gas odor, but the firm previously consented to a $23,000 judgment against it in 2011 for not complying with the state’s underground storage tank law.

KKJO-FM Helps Kids with Cancer Attend Camp

Date Posted: 5/27/2016

Eagle Communication’s KKJO-FM St. Joseph, Mo. raised more than $12,000 in the 11th annual Radio-A-Thon to benefit Camp Quality, held May 27. Camp Quality offers a week-long summer camp for kids with cancer, plus year-round support for their families. It costs approximately $1,300 for each kid to attend, so KKJO’s fundraiser positively impacts many local families. In 11 years, KKJO has raised over $210,000 for Camp Quality.

KMBC Introducing an Hour of News at 4P.M.

Date Posted: 4/3/2016

Hearst Television’s ABC affiliate KMBC-TV Kansas City will launch a new one-hour 4 p.m. newscast beginning April 25. KMBC will also extend its half-hour late newscast on CW affiliate KCWE to a full hour. With these additions, KMBC will air 51 hours of local news, weather and sports coverage each week. “KMBC has built a strong reputation as a leader in local news coverage,” said President and General Manager Sarah Smith. “The launch of our new 4 p.m. newscast will provide them with another opportunity to receive the important local news content they want and deserve.”

KOMU-TV Airs Republican Gubernatorial Debate

Date Posted: 4/3/2016

University of Missouri’s NBC affiliate KOMU-TV Columbia, MO hosted a March 17 debate for Republican gubernatorial candidates businessman John Brunner, former Navy SEAL Eric Greitens, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder and former Missouri Speaker of the House Catherine Hanaway. They discussed job creation, state road and university funding, race relations, term limits and campaign reform.

KMOV Raises Almost $64,000 for Shriners Hospitals

Date Posted: 3/8/2016

Meredith’s CBS affiliate KMOV St. Louis raised almost $64,000 on March 31 for Shriners Hospitals during the “Our Heroes for Kids Telethon,” more than doubling the $31,000 raised last year. Shriners Hospital in St. Louis focuses on orthopedics and treats all children, regardless of their ability to pay. This can include aid for transportation and lodging for families. The telethon featured 12-year-old Clayton Miller, who has undergone 86 back surgeries to correct Congenital Scoliosis, which caused his spine to go from a 128 degree angle to 28 degrees.

KFVS Investigates School Bus Safety

Date Posted: 3/1/2016

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Giradeau, MO launched an investigation called "Belts on the Bus." Even though children must legally wear seatbelts in cars, school buses do not feature seatbelts. KFVS’ story also features the parents of a child who was killed in a bus accident. Watch video.

KFVS Blood Drive Garners 1,000+ Pints

Date Posted: 2/1/2016

Raycom’s CBS affiliate KFVS Cape Girardeau, Mo. hosted the 21st annual Heartland Blood Drive, Jan. 14-16 at seven locations in Southeast Missouri, Southern Illinois and Western Kentucky. More than 1,300 viewers donated blood, resulting in 1,033 usable pints that will help re-stock short supplies. According to the Red Cross, the Heartland Blood Drive is one of the most successful drives in the Midwest. Watch video.

KFVS ’Heartland Food Drive’ to Provide 8,000 Meals

Date Posted: 1/14/2016

Raycom Media’s CBS affiliate KFVS-TV Cape Girardeau, Mo., and Withers Broadcasting’s radio stations collected 10,000 pounds of food in the inaugural “Heartland Food Drive” on December 2. The donations will provide 8,000 meals through foodbanks in southeast Missouri, southern Illinois and western Kentucky. (Watch video.)

KKJO-FM Collects Thousands of Toys

Date Posted: 1/13/2016

Eagle Communication’s KKJO-FM St. Joseph, MO held the annual Toyland Express Toy Drive on Dec. 4. KKJO-FM staff and members of the local Army Reserve, fire and police departments delivered $4,500 worth of toys to the 41 children staying at the Noyes Home. Santa and Rudolph attended the event, which included dinner provided by Olive Garden. On-air personalities Gregg Lynn and Travis Dodge also delivered more than 2,000 toys to Adopt-A-Family, helping to ensure all who applied received gifts.

KOMU Earns Recognition from Missouri and Kansas City Broadcasters

Date Posted: 7/17/2015

The University of Missouri’s NBC affiliate KOMU-TV Columbia earned six first-place awards from the Missouri Broadcasters Association: Documentary Public/Affairs: "No 1 Left Behind," on homeless veterans in Missouri; Special Program: "No 1 Left Behind;" Feature Reporting: World Series coverage; Best weathercast: meteorologist Rosie Newberry; Website; and Promotion: "KOMU 8 News Promise."

KOMU earned five first-place awards from the Kansas City Press Club, which accepts entries from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri. Awards include: Investigative Reporting: "Target 8: Spice makers use new compounds to make product legal;" Public Service Project: "Grand Opening of Joplin Schools;" Beat Reporting: "Inside Infertility;" Sports Reporting: "Love is Blind;" and Entertainment Reporting: World Series coverage. "These awards showcase KOMU 8’s commitment to journalism excellence and public service, and we are proud of and honored by this recognition from our peers across the region," said General Manager Marty Siddall.

KKJO-FM Sends Pediatric Patients to Camp

Date Posted: 7/17/2015

Eagle Communication’s KKJO-FM St. Joseph’s, Mo. raised $13,000 for Camp Quality of Northwest Mo. on June 1. Camp Quality is a week-long summer camp for kids with cancer that operates solely on donations. It costs approximately $1,500 for each of the 100 campers that visit each summer. KKJO has raised more than $200,000 for Camp Quality since 2005.

KPRS Station is 2015 Crystal Radio Award Finalist

Date Posted: 4/20/2015

Congratulations to Carter Broadcast Group Inc KPRS FM Station in Kansas City, Mo. for becoming a 2015 Crystal Radio Award finalist.

"In 2014, KPRS-FM continued to build on its legacy as the people’s radio station by being the number-one outlet for community outreach. KPRS-FM used the airwaves and online mediums (website, social media and mobile application) to bring awareness to 41 community-based campaigns. KPRS-FM donated 1,220 (:30) and (:15) public service announcements and conducted 29 free two-hour broadcasts on location from various events. Our on-air staff’s visibility in the marketplace was unbelievable this year with more than 780 hours of volunteer work, emcee/hosting duties, speaking engagements and several school visits keeping us connected to the people of our community. This year our efforts contributed to raising over $1.38 million in funds for nonprofit and charitable causes. Our goal as a communications company is to bridge the gap between those with resources and those who need them. We keep our listeners informed daily with breaking news updates, emergency weather coverage and trending topics relevant to the betterment of their lifestyles. KPRS-FM is a trusted resource for information on area job fairs, access to free health services, youth engagement and free entertainment for the entire family, staying true to our 64 - year commitment of serving Kansas City, one radio at a time."

WHHL and WFUN Aid Rebuilding of Ferguson Community

Date Posted: 2/9/2015

Radio One’s WHHL-FM and WFUN-FM St. Louis hosted a radiothon on Martin Luther King Day- Jan. 19, 2015 - to help rebuild Ferguson. The Radiothon, hosted by film, television and radio personality Nick Cannon, benefitted businesses affected by the looting and fires that broke out in the aftermath of the grand jury’s decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson for Michael Brown Jr.’s death. Each hour featured a different local celebrity or business leader encouraging listeners to make pledge. “Part of our mission statement as a company is we definitely strive to serve our community, not only with entertainment but also with information and inspiration,” said Radio One St. Louis Vice President and General Manager Gary Gunter.

KKJO-FM Collects $20,000 for Camp for Kids with Cancer

Date Posted: 8/11/2014

Eagle Communication’s KKJO-FM St. Joseph, Mo., held the 10th annual Radiothon for Camp Quality on June 23. KKJO-FM’s morning hosts Gregg and Aaryn broadcast live from a local coffee shop and raised more than $20,000 in 12 hours for Camp Quality, a week-long summer camp for kids with cancer. Over the past 10 years, KKJO-FM has raised over $168,000 for Camp Quality to brighten the lives of local kids.

KFTK-FM Helps Raise $15,000 to Purchase All-Terrain Wheelchair for Wounded Warrior

Date Posted: 8/8/2013

Emmis Communication-owned KFTK-FM St. Louis’s "Dave Glover Show," along with the Marc Bulger Foundation, raised $15,000 to purchase an all-terrain wheelchair for triple amputee Marine Cpl. Justin McLoud during an annual D-Day Event. Marine Cpl. Justin McLoud was left injured after an IED blast in Afghanistan during his third deployment in December 2010. An avid outdoorsman, Justin desired an all-terrain wheelchair to participate in hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities that he enjoyed prior to his injury. On-air personality Dave Glover and the Marc Bulger Foundation have partnered to raise more than $1 million to help wounded veterans and other military organizations.

KOMU-TV Launches Poverty Awareness Campaign in Missouri

Date Posted: 8/8/2013

Independently-owned KOMU-TV Columbia, Mo., has launched "Poverty in Plain Sight," a special multiyear initiative that aims to understand and address poverty in Mid-Missouri. The campaign will include a series of news reports on poverty and its associated effects on issues including education, crime, health care, housing, transportation and hunger. "The statistics were startling, and we felt compelled to act in a public service capacity in hopes that we could draw attention to this crisis in our area," said KOMU-TV’s General Manager Marty Siddall.

KSHE-FM’s Two-Day Drive Collects Nearly 3,000 Units of Blood

Date Posted: 8/8/2013

Emmis Communications’ KSHE-FM St. Louis hosted the 30th annual two-day Summer Blood Drive in support of the American Red Cross. This year KSHE-FM collected 2,988 units of blood, surpassing the station’s goal by 14 percent. Since its first drive in 1984, KSHE-FM listeners have donated more than 135,000 units of blood, which could potentially save as many as 405,000 lives.

CBS’s KYKY-FM Raises $67,000 with 14-Hour Request-A-Thon

Date Posted: 6/7/2013

CBS Radio’s KYKY-FM St. Louis morning show, "Phillips and Company" raised more than $67,000 for the American Red Cross’s relief effort in Oklahoma. KYKY-FM held a 14-hour on-air request-a-thon playing listener requests for donations. The benefit raised $33,670 and a local business matched each donation.

St. Louis Radio Shaves Head, Raises $39,000 for Cancer Research

Date Posted: 3/1/2013

Hubbard Broadcasting-owned WIL-FM St. Louis hosts Cornbread and Derrick Keith raised more than $39,000 for the St. Balrick’s Foundation, which supports children’s cancer research. The two on-air personalities made a bet to see who could raise the most money for the foundation. Ultimately Cornbread won, but agreed to shave his head. Several others in attendance also shaved their heads.

St. Louis Station Makes Strides Against Breast Cancer

Hubbard Broadcasting’s WARH-FM promoted the American Cancer Society’s "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" at two local walk sites. The walk honors survivors, promotes awareness and raises money to support American Cancer Society initiatives for research, information dissemination and access to mammograms. Since 1993, eight million walkers in the U.S. have raised more than $460 million through Making Strides, including $60 million last year.

KYTV Springfield, MO Hosts Debates and Interviews Debate

Schurz Communications KYTV Springfield, Mo. aired a Republican primary debate with five candidates for Missouri Senate and a debate between U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill and challenger Rep. Todd Akin. Reporter Jerry Jacob’s interviews with candidates for U.S. Senate, Governor, Lt. Governor and Treasurer aired during evening newscasts. The extended versions were posted online and on mobile apps. Election Night coverage began at 6:30 pm on Nov. 6, with local cut-ins for five minutes each half hour. Results crawled on-air and were constantly updated online and on mobile.

Missouri Station Hosts GOP Senate Debate Debate

Eagle Communications’ KSJQ-FM and KFEQ-AM St. Joseph, Missouri partnered with the St. Joseph Metro Chamber of Commerce’s Government Relations Committee to host a primary senatorial debate featuring the Republican candidates Todd Akin, Sarah Steelman and John Brunner on May 7. KFEQ-AM’s host Barry Birr moderated the event, which was broadcast live on KFEQ-AM from the Holiday Inn Conference Center.

St. Louis Station Provides Life Life Tornado Coverage

One year ago, a devastating tornado in Joplin, Mo. killed 161 people, destroyed buildings and tossed debris 70 miles. Radio delivered lifesaving information to citizens during the disaster and responded quickly to help rebuild Joplin.

Zimmer Radio’s KZRG-AM organized a Day of Unity to recognize the tornado’s anniversary. Nearly 6,000 people joined station staff for a 3.5-mile walk along the tornado’s path. Around 8,500 people, including Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, gathered in the rebuilt Cunningham Park to honor the 161 residents who died. Nationally syndicated radio and TV host Clark Howard covered the tornado live last year for a local television station; on the one year anniversary of the tornado, he broadcast from a Habitat for Humanity site in Joplin where he helped build a home. Cox Media’s KRMG-FM in nearby Tulsa, OK provided $35,000 to support the Habitat build. "As for Joplin, this build will take a while. But this town is coming back and as the walls go up, hope returns to the citizens of Joplin," said Howard.

St. Louis Station to Host GOP Senate Debate

Emmis Communications’ KFTK-FM St. Louis joined the Missouri News Horizon to host a primary senatorial debate featuring Republican candidates Todd Akin, Sarah Steelman and John Brunner on June 11. The debate was broadcast live on KFTK-FM from the Bezemes Family Theater on the campus of Lindenwood University. It was also streamed live on the station’s website. KFTK-FM’s morning show host, Jamie Allman from "Allman in Morning" moderated the event. Click here to listen to the debate.

WARH-FM St. Louis Helps Local Food Bank

Hubbard Broadcasting’s WARH-FM The Arch in St. Louis partnered with Shop ’n Save and GCS Federal Credit Union for the 2012 "Love Handles" campaign. The month-long effort encouraged St. Louis listeners to visit one of 38 Missouri and Illinois Metro area Shop ’n Save locations and purchase pre-packaged "Love Handles" grocery bags for $5 plus tax. Each bag contained a box of Frosted Flakes, a pack of pudding, a beef pasta dinner and two cans of tuna. All donations benefited the food shelter that is closest to each Shop ’n Save where the bag was purchased.

Congressman Recognizes Zimmer Radio for Outstanding Tornado Coverage

Missouri Congressman Billy Long presented the Zimmer Radio Group with a copy of the Congressional Record from December 16, when he cited Zimmer Radio’s work following the May 22 tornado. NewsTalk KZRG-AM Joplin, Mo., and Zimmer Radio provided live 24-hour coverage for over a week following the deadly tornado in Missouri.

"It was just excruciating to drive down over here from Springfield and hear people call crying, panicked, looking for family members, didn’t know which end was up, didn’t know if their folks were alive, in a hospital, where they might be," said Long.

One KZRG-AM listener, Patricia Katopol, said the recognition was "absolutely well deserved. I listened online for days and was very impressed with the quality of programming – and the obvious concern and care that the broadcasters had for their fellow citizens – during the crisis."

St. Louis Stations Serve Viewers With Round-the-Clock Storm Coverage

Last Friday, severe storms swept through the Midwest, bringing numerous tornadoes through the St. Louis metropolitan area. Luckily, the city’s four leading television stations, Belo-owned KMOV-TV, Gannett Broadcasting’s KSDK-TV, Local TV LLC-owned KTVI-TV and Tribune Broadcasting’s KPLR-TV St. Louis stepped up, pre-empted network programming, providing round-the-clock emergency weather coverage for viewers across St. Louis. KMOV-TV dispatched eight television trucks across the city on Friday night to deliver firsthand accounts of the severe weather that destroyed homes and property, cut power to thousands of local families and temporarily closed Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. KMOV-TV delivered emergency news coverage until 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning. KSDK-TV also had additional staff in the field during the storm, providing extended newscasts Friday and into Saturday. The station ran extended weather coverage during its Saturday evening news programs, as well. KTVI-TV aired a special tornado segment on Saturday evening between 7 and 9 p.m., in addition to their wall-to-wall coverage on Friday night. The program was simulcast on KPLR-TV. To read more about St. Louis television stations’ efforts throughout last week’s tornadoes click here.

KREZ-FM Airs "Working Woman of the Week"

Many would agree that a woman’s work is never done, so to celebrate all the hardworking women in its community, KREZ-FM in Cape Girardeau, Mo., asks listeners to nominate those that go above and beyond in their every day lives. On Friday mornings, station personality Tim Bayless announces the “Working Woman of the Week.” This on-air recognition includes a reading of the nomination letter and a sound bite capturing the woman’s reaction to the news, which is delivered through a surprise visit from the KREZ crew, complete with roses. The “Working Woman of the Week” also gets her photo and story posted on the station’s Web site. The station recently honored Debbie Wicks. In a nomination letter, her daughter, Alexis, wrote, “My mother is an amazing woman. She owned her own business for 14 years and always had time to give our family a home cooked meal and get us up for school. She is Super Woman in my eyes.” The segment not only pays tribute to those, like Wicks, who are doing great things, but also helps inspire others to follow in the footsteps of the women profiled.

KMOV-TV Helps Restore Urban Park

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For the last decade, KMOV-TV in St. Louis, Mo., has worked in partnership with Forest Park Forever to restore one of the country’s oldest and largest urban parks. The station first educated its viewers about the issues facing Forest Park in 1998, with the first of three prime-time specials in support of the Forest Park Forever capital campaign. Since then, with KMOV’s continued media sponsorship, thousands of new members have joined Forest Park Forever and hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised to maintain this outdoor treasure for the 12 million people who visit it each year. The most recent special, "The Hidden Treasures of Forest Park," aired in 2007 and broke all records for dollars raised and new members secured. In addition to these specials, the station has broadcast hundreds of public service announcements, including spots featuring news anchors recounting their favorite Forest Park memories; implemented an online donation feature; and lent its production staff for the creation of a video presentation for Forest Park Forever. Airtime has been given to additional park campaigns, such as the "Pennies in the Park" effort which encourages children to give. "We have been overwhelmed by the generosity and enthusiasm demonstrated by everyone at KMOV," said Interim Executive Director of Forest Park Forever Lucie Springmeyer. "It is critical that the people of our region understand the value of Forest Park and its ongoing need for support. Television is a powerful means of spreading our message." In all, KMOV has donated $900,000 worth of airtime.

KFVS-TV Hosts Record-Breaking Science Day

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A world record was set on Science Day 2007 when 1,000 grade school kids from four states joined KFVS-TV in Cape Girardeau, Mo., and sent 974 Mentos fountains up into the air at exactly the same time. Bringing kids together to experience the hands-on experiment, which involved a chemical reaction between soda and Mentos, was the brainchild of a KFVS meteorologist who wanted to get kids excited about science, as was the idea to dedicate a specific day to the celebration of science. To generate enthusiasm about both, the station ran on-air and online announcements inviting children, parents and teachers to participate. When the Mentos fountains shot up into the air, some as high as 30 feet, KFVS broadcast it live on the 5 p.m. news. Before the event, kids were asked to nominate their favorite science educator. The three winning teachers were announced and follow-up coverage included footage of the teachers with their students in the classroom. Many surrounding communities adopted October 3 as Science Day, leading to a proposal by Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO-08) for Science Day to be officially adopted throughout the country.

KYTV-TV Airs Special Segments on Recalled Cars

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When millions of toys were recalled in 2007, KYTV-TV in Springfield, Mo., took steps to help parents decipher which items in their children’s toy box were safe. Weeks of special segments from consumer reporter Cara Restelli alerted parents to the issues and results of a station investigation found many toys not included on the government recall list tested positive for lead. In partnership with the Students in Free Enterprise organizations from Missouri State University and Ozarks Technical Community College, the station organized a free lead-testing event at the studio. A 30-second public service announcement invited viewers to bring up to five toys. Restelli reported live from the event, where more than 300 toys were tested and four percent turned up positive for lead. A database of toy makes and models was collected to further safety efforts. Parents and grandparents who came to the lead-testing event said they would sleep sound knowing the results.

KSJQ-FM Implements "Letters from Home" Campaign

A major supporter of our troops, KSJQ-FM in Savannah, Mo., implemented a "Letters From Home" campaign, encouraging listeners to send Christmas cards with calling cards inside to Missouri troops who could not be home for the holidays. KSJQ aired 259 promotional announcements, inspiring participation from several schools and children. As a result, nearly 2,000 cards made their way to those from the area stationed overseas. The station organized another campaign, "Operation Build a Nation," in response to reports from members of a field artillery battery from St. Joseph, Mo., that a school in Afghanistan near where the soldiers lived and worked had 4,000 students but no school supplies. After nearly 500 promotional announcements and a nine-hour radiothon, KSJQ and its listeners filled a 5-ton Army truck with school supplies to benefit the children. KSJQ was a National Association of Broadcasters Crystal Award Finalist in 2008.

KMJM-FM Produces "Sunday Morning Live" Public Affairs Show

For 30 years, KMJM-FM in St. Louis, Mo., has produced its "Sunday Morning Live" public affairs show to provide community members a venue to discuss concerns, perspectives and views. In-studio guests include community organizations, political experts and professionals, and topics focus on issues directly affecting the listening audience. In 2007, the St. Louis Public Schools lost their accreditation, making the state of education a principal issue. Board of education officials, including the current superintendent, former superintendent, school board president, local teachers’ union president and a newly state-elected advisory board, were interviewed on the show, giving listeners the opportunity to call in and ask questions. Racial tension in the St. Louis City Fire Department also was a top issue for the year, prompting the show to host the fire chief, city operations manager and mayor as guests. In addition, the station formed a panel to discuss the state of black America and what residents could do to stop hate crimes. KMJM was a National Association of Broadcasters’ Crystal Award Finalist in 2008.

Radio Raises $85,000 for Children’s Miracle Network

Together, four radio stations, a four-state broadcast area and a four-day radiothon are a powerful combination, which is why KSYN-FM, KJMK-FM, KXDG-FM and KIXQ-FM in Joplin, Mo., use it every year for the "Miracles on 32nd Street Radiothon." The fundraiser benefits children in the area needing medical services through the Children’s Miracle Network. Hosted by station personalities, the broadcast lasts for 32 hours and involves $69,000 of donated airtime among the four stations. The radio group’s ability to tell the story of local children and families who have benefited from Children’s Miracle Network earned them a Foresters Award for best radiothon montage. Of the more than $85,000 raised by the effort in 2007, every penny stayed locally to provide medical supplies, from wheelchair ramps to hearing aid sets, for families who couldn’t otherwise afford them.

KTTS-FM Airs Lifeline Storm Coverage

When a storm hit the area, leaving inches of ice on power lines and 300,000 people without power for days and even weeks,KTTS-FM in Springfield, Mo., was on the air throughout the ordeal. With listeners phoning in tips, the station was able to tell listeners where to get lanterns, batteries, emergency shelter, free food, candles, firewood, propane and gas cans, as well as hotline numbers for emergency management units and electric companies. When the station began hearing of a kerosene shortage and price-gouging, KTTS partnered with locally owned Preston Oil to send a tanker filled with kerosene on the road to areas hardest hit by the storm. Carloads of listeners went to the "kerosene caravan" for help. In addition to sending staff to the caravan stops, the news team tirelessly worked to get information from area utility companies and emergency management teams, while station engineers struggled to keep ice off the radio towers. The on-air personalities answered hundreds of phone calls and worked by flashlight and candlelight. The lifeline provided by the station is best articulated by its listeners. "Our twin babies and other four children huddled with us around the fireplace while we listed to your awesome up-to-date broadcasting about this storm," the Sawyer family wrote in a letter to the station. "KTTS kept us going … you, the on-air broadcasters, have brought listening to the radio down to an even more personal level. Thank you so much for everything you do every day as you continue to impact lives through the radio waves."

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