The stations’ walls at WEZR-AM, WTME-AM and WOXO-FM in Norway, Maine, are lined with signed posters from the Maine Musical Society. The posters, which are a gift from the society, are testimony to the stations’ unwavering and long-time support of the arts. Each year, numerous organizations receive regular on-air support, including promotional announcements, interviews about upcoming events, news coverage and ticket give-aways to encourage non-concert goers to become hooked. The aggregate support is impressive. Promotional campaigns are produced for each play that takes the stage at the Community Little Theatre, as they have for the past 10 years. Listeners learn about the more than dozen annual events, spanning cabaret to international film, put on by the Local Arts Agency of Lewiston. Plays produced by The Public Theatre enjoy larger crowds because of on-air promotion, as do weekly concerts held at the Franco-American Heritage Center and performances by the Mid-Coast Symphony Orchestra and the Portland Pops. In addition to providing the Auburn Community Band, a group of volunteer musicians, with announcements about upcoming concerts, the stations also helped the band build its Web site. In all, the stations give an estimated $60,000 worth of promotional support each year to keep arts in the area thriving.