"The Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show" was a radio comedy variety show that aired from 1936 to 1956. The show featured ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and his beloved puppet Charlie McCarthy. Bergen and McCarthy made their radio debut on Rudy Vallee’s Royal Gelatin Hour in 1936 and were an instant success. In 1937, they were given their own show for "The Chase & Sanborn Hour." Almost immediately, "The Edgar Bergen/Charlie McCarthy Show" became one of radio’s highest-rated programs, a distinction it enjoyed until it left the air in 1956.
Radio Hall of Fame: Charlie McCarthy Show
November 2, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the first commercial radio broadcast. To celebrate this special anniversary, we’re shining a spotlight on 100 key moments in radio's history.
We hope you’ll join us in celebrating your favorite radio memories throughout 2020. Use the hashtag #Radio100 across social media to share these moments with the world. Here’s to 100 wonderful years of radio, and to at least 100 more!