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National Association of Broadcasters

TEGNA’s CBS affiliate KHOU-TV Houston

Topic: Disaster Relief and Recovery
Posted on 8/26/2017

TEGNA’s CBS affiliate KHOU-TV Houston reporter Brandi Smith stayed onair August 26 after the station was evacuated due to flooding. KHOU set up a makeshift studio on the second floor and continued to broadcast live. Smith and photographer Mario Sandoval remained in the field, transmitting live feeds on their own for about half an hour. Smith and Sandoval also alerted authorities to a trapped semi-truck driver, leading to his rescue. Sister station NBC affiliate KUSA-TV Denver quickly sent reporters to help. “Nothing is more valuable than your life and the lives of your family members, those you love, your friends,” Smith said. “We are doing the things we tell you not to do. We do it so that we can show you how bad the conditions are so you do not attempt them.”

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