Topic: Youth-Focused Initiatives
Posted on 8/11/2016
Alpha Media, Canton announced that WHBC-FM and WHBC-AM joined forces with AultCare to help raise $158,673 during the 9th Annual AultCare Wish-A-Thon, held August 11-12. A storm ripped leveled the Wish-A-Thon tent in the 10th hour of the 36-hour broadcast, but the event continued in the WHBC studios. “While the storm took out some of our technical abilities it never dampened the spirit of the event or the resolve of our staff,” said Alpha Media Market Manager Larry Gawthrop. “What we were able to accomplish was a great example of teamwork at its best.” All donations will go to Wishes Can Happen Inc., a local charity that supports children with life threatening illnesses.
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