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National Association of Broadcasters

Viewer Thanks KLKN for Life-Saving Coverage

Topic: Disaster Relief and Recovery
Posted on 4/7/2016

Citadel’s ABC affiliate KLKN Lincoln, NE received the below note from a viewer, congratulating the station on its 20th anniversary and thanking the news and weather crew for life-saving tornado coverage.

“I watched the news and weather tonight as I always do early morning and evening. Congratulations on 20 years! I remember 1996 when you started out as my job at that time was close to your location. I also want to Thank You for your weather coverage at the time of the Hallam tornado. I lived in Hallam at the time of the tornado and our home was destroyed. We have rebuilt and live there now. I believe I survived because of your weather coverage. I know many Hallam folk say the same thing, that they watched channel 8 and knew to take cover. My daughter called me and told me to go to the basement and turn the TV to channel 8. I did what she said. I watched your weather broadcast and at the time I was even annoyed thinking I could not believe how you were making me so afraid of what was coming! I knew it was not normal and could not believe a tornado was coming. But, so glad you were telling us to do what you said and take cover! You did it right! People do not take the weather reports seriously!

Thank you so much for providing that serious weather broadcast and please continue to do that! Weather is not always warm and fuzzy! Thank God and Channel 8 that I am alive! You will always be my choice for my news and weather. I love Luke Dorris and his weather reports. He does a great job and I love it when he explains and teaches about the weather. Keep doing the great job you do. Keep us safe!

Thank you!”

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