Topic: Education
In partnership with Great Basin Community College, KENV-TV in Elko, Nev., has helped found a broadcast technology program, giving local students more opportunities to learn than ever before. In addition to providing classroom space at the station, KENV is funding the effort for its first two years. The program, for which KENV staff act as adjunct faculty, involves six classes, including production and writing for radio and television. KENV also offers two paid student internships during the fall and spring semesters. To help with recruitment, the station runs public service announcements before the start of each semester and covers the program in news stories throughout the year. "It’s a big boost to this community," said KENV’s Terry Hriz, who teaches the speech writing class. "It can keep kids who want to go into journalism in the area for their education."
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More than 2.47 million American jobs depend on broadcasting, and the local broadcast radio and television industry - and the businesses that depend on it - generate $1.17 trillion annually for the nation's economy.